
As readers of this blog can attest, I am confused about many things in today’s world.  The discovery and dissemination of new science is probably at the top of my list.  In olden days (20th century), the very first lesson taught in middle school regarding “the sciences” was the revered scientific method.  The methodology of promulgating new science followed several specific steps to ensure certainty and accuracy. These steps were : 1) ask a question, 2) do extensive background research, 3) construct a hypothesis, 4) test the hypothesis with experimentation, 5)  analyze the data and draw a conclusion, 6) communicate the results.    Generations of scientific breakthroughs in physics and medicine were reached utilizing generally this methodology.   But somewhere between middle school and today, a revised scientific method has supplanted the old, resulting in conclusions that are politically and socially driven, and  that we all debate ad nauseum within  a vacuum of facts.

The new scientific method goes something like this : 1) construct a desired hypothesis, 2) communicate and popularize the desired results, 3) entice and incorporate the relevant scientific community with the promise of financial grants and the threat of professional exclusion, 4) suppress opposing views, 5) ignore steps #2 and #4 of the old method completely.

A few examples should illustrate my point.   First, consider for a moment what appears in today’s ELHI textbooks regarding the origin of life and its evolution.  This is a long and complicated topic, but suffice it to say that I do not have near  enough faith to believe the major tenets of natural selection and evolution.  To break the ice with an evolutionist, start by asking why there is something rather than nothing.  What presents itself as science begins with the hypothesis that there is no God, then moves on to concocting the next most plausible theory.   Secondly, consider the “science” behind today’s current new religion of climate change.   Formulated by politicians, backed by academicians benefitting from vast research dollars, and lacking the key components of research and experimentation contained in the “old” scientific method, the far-off predictions of the climate change religion serve as the basis for massive wealth re-distribution,  increased central government control, and a return to a pre-industrial way of life around the globe.   So how often does your local meteorologist get his/her weather prediction correct for the upcoming weekend ?   And  in the weird world of climate change, now we are moving into phase #4 of the new scientific method  —  suppress opposing views.   The attorneys general of several states, plus the attorney general of the USA (Loretta Lynch)  are today  considering the civil prosecution of so-called climate change deniers. Hans von Spakovsky of the Daily Signal suggests, “not only does this represent a serious blow against the free flow of ideas and vigorous debate over scientific issues that is a  hallmark of an advanced technological society like ours, but a fundamental violation of the First Amendment.     Yes folks, this is for real !

I could detail the eighteen year debate regarding linkage between certain youth vaccines and the frequency of autism, but I’m running out of space. That particular theory, put forth by British researcher and financially conflicted Andrew Wakefield in 1998, following of course the precepts of the “new” scientific method, has finally after 18 years been totally de-bunked. in what has been called “perhaps the most damaging medical hoax of the last 100 years.”    Maybe there is hope .                   WHAT THE HECK

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