Today, our fearless leader unleashed an attack on American grocery stores, blaming them for “ripping people off”, and stating that “inflation is coming down, it’s now lower in America than any other major economy in the world. The cost of eggs, milk, chicken, gas and so many essential items have come down. But for all we’ve done to bring prices down, there are still too many corporations in America (grocers) ripping people off, price gouging, junk fees, greedflation.”
First of all, supermarkets in the U.S. operate on razor thin profit margins. It’s hard to gouge off such a low base. Secondly, the cost of absolutely no product or service has come down this year. In typical government speak, merely the rate of inflation has subsided. It makes a world of difference to the consumer between prices coming down 3% versus prices now rising at a lesser rate than last year. And finally, and most importantly, inflation is cumulative. Yes, the current 3-4% annual inflation rate is less than the rate of gain when measured a year ago, but Biden wants us to forget that this year’s 3-4% increses are on top of last year’s 8-10% rise in prices. Indeed since this gang took over in Washington, prices as measured by the CPI have risen nearly 25%on a represenative sampling of goods.
Biden and the elite in DC think that we are stupid, and maybe we as a nation are. Just look who we put in charge ! WHAT THE HECK !