The politically correct story goes something like this : Islam is a peace-seeking religion, the Koran teaches/preaches love and cooperation, and it’s only a slice of the Muslim world that is crazed with hatred, intolerance and bloodlust.  Let’s see, 10% of 1.5 billion Muslims equals 150 million (yes million) kooks that all hate Israel and the USA.    Oops, forgot that since 1948, 11 million Muslims have been killed violently, 99.3% by fellow Muslims who don’t like your particular brand of Islam.


So where is the uproar among the remaining 90%.  How often have you heard Muslim leaders in our country or worldwide decry the activities of the crazies that give the religion a bad name ?  You know the answer.  If 10% of my faith body went off a  deep violent end, they would be exorcised and publicly ridiculed ASAP.    The Amish wisely excommunicate those not interested in a positive representation of their faith.   So why don’t we hear from the mullahs ?     WHAT THE HECK !


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