While Emperor Barrack lounges on Martha’s Vineyard for two weeks, he might want to spend some beach time identifying in his mind who the good guys and bad guys are in this world today.  Benjamin Netanyahu is a good guy, proactively attempting to protect his nation from rockets launched against his population by looney tunes from the Gaza Strip.   The aforementioned looney tunes, the duly elected Hamas leaders of Palestine, are the bad guys, shamefully using their women and children as human shields, then turning over their sometimes bloody demise to CNN.   Verbally and forcefully support Netanyahu, and roundly and regularly condemn the Palestinian crazies.  You cannot negotiate with fanatical bad guys.

The morons in parts of Germany , Paris and Chicago waving signs last week in support of Hamas are the bad guys Mr. President.    Publicly condemn their activities. Speak up – you represent the good guys.

Vladimir Putin is a bad guy, taking advantage of our nation’s weakened leadership and threatening his neighbors.   The Ukranians are the good guys.  Arm them to the hilt.  Support them logistically.

Boko Haram in Nigeria are really, really bad guys.  They continue to kidnap, rape and enslave Christians in Northeast Nigeria.   Now that our nation’s trendy social media campaign has lost its steam with regard to the May kidnapping of several hundred girls,  work with the flawed, but still good guy Nigerian army to track them down.   Do it today.

Courageous Christian pastors, like Saeed Abedini, imprisoned in an Iranian prison since 2012, are good guys.  Work like heck, Mr. President, with the bad guys in Iran to free people like Mr. Abedini.

What will it take Mr. President, to get you off your duff and confront the reality that the bad guys are flourishing and running rampant because the good guys (us) are sticking our heads in the sand ?    You can’t keep ignoring the bad guys like the civilized world did in the 1930s with Hitler, saying we didn’t know.   We see the bad guys on TV and on the internet every day.   The good guys (us) have no excuse today.    WHAT THE HECK !

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