Psalm 122:6 says, “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem ! May they be secure who love you”. Genesis 12:2-3 spells it out more plainly; “And I will make of you a great nation (Israel), and I will bless you and make your name great, so that you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you (nation of Israel), and him who dishonors you I will curse”. No matter that the Jewish people clearly missed out on the birth and life and death of the Messiah promised in their bibles, yet Jews remain in covenant as God’s chosen people. The message to Christians cannot be more clear, that is to honor and love and bless and protect the re-formed (1948) nation of Israel. I believe it to be a reasonable assumption that our United States has been blessed in recent generations because of our unwavering support of the nation of Israel. It was one of my favorite Presidents, Harry Truman, who in 1948 recognized the nation of Israel against overwhelming denunciation of most nations, and from inside his own government.
Our support for Israel does not suggest that Israelis are always on the right side of issues, and that we must always agree. Remember that for centuries before the arrival of the Messiah, Jews were in a constant circle of faith, rejection, condemnation and revival. However, the underlying demand for Christians to support the renewed nation of Israel is quite clear.
Conversely, should we back away from that support, as we did two administrations ago, why should we expect God to continue blessing our nation as a world leader in financial matters, standard of living, fostering of peace, and provider to the poor ?
So here we are, five weeks into a new united executive/legislative administration in Washington, and have we obeyed biblical direction. So far, not so good. Last week, the new proglibocrats in DC pledged to re-open physical diplomatic missions with the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO), and to restore a variety of financial aid packages, both of which were severed under the prior administration. Keep in mind that the PLO’s credo includes the utter destruction of the nation of Israel, to be replaced by Palestine. Next, although not formally announced, it is expected that we will soon begin renegotiation of the highly flawed Iranian nuclear deal of 2015. Oh yeah, that’s another gang that promises the utter annihalation of Israel. Who knows, maybe we will send them another few planeloads of cash !
Well, anyone with half a brain would assume that the US has cleared these actions with our allies in the Middle East. Nope ! In the first five weeks of the new administration, our new President has not spoken with the Israeli President, Benjamin Netanyahu. Not once ! I suppose he has been too busy orchestrating the impeachment of a civilian, forgiving the future sins/felonies committed by folks not legally in our country, and negotiating the relaxation of trade tariffs on China.
On top of closing the doors on God in our institutions of government and education in recent generations, we had better remain on the ball with an unwavering support for Israel. How much does our nation want to bet that institutional support for God, and an unwavering support for the nation of Israel are not linked to our nation’s success ? WHAT THE HECK !
Thanks so much to the 81 million of you that numbly decided to put this gang into power in November !