Alternatively titled, “The End of Girls’ Sports”, this is a particularly galling topic, as it runs counter to the great strides made in my lifetime in this country regarding gender equality.    Clearly, we want our daughters to be presented with a world of equal opportunity, but as with so many aspects of the liberal agenda, the left seduces and misleads us toward the real target, which is equal outcome.   And with the new administration’s executive order boldly entitled, “Executive Order on Preventing and Combating Discrimination on the Basis of Gender Identity or Sexual Orientation”,  expands the equality moniker to override any recognition of the inherent speed and strength differences between genders.

Cretin-Derham Hall's Paige Peltier poses for a portrait at her home field in St. Paul on Thursday, Oct. 24, 2019. Peliter was named as the Pioneer Press East Metro girls soccer Player of the Year. (Jack Rodgers / Pioneer Press)

This is a very ambitious presidential fiat, and as with all government actions, carries some unintended consequences.  In this case, the order effectively ends girls’ sport in itscurrent form, thus negating all the leadership, character, self-esteem,  and health benefits society has gained from a full and equally regarded set of protected girls’ sports.   This executive order requires that every public school in America allow boys who identify as girls to compete in  girls’ sporting categories.   Thus, all the multi-year energy and work and sacrifice made by young women in pursuing soccer or track or softball can be negated by some dude who chooses to be called Sally (sorry for such bluntness, but this topic deserves plain talk). Abigail Shrier, in a recent Wall Street Journal editorial, said “Here we are.  Decades of women’ s achievment and opportunity rolled back by executive fiat. Women’s rights turn out to be cheap and up for grabs”.    WHAT THE HECK !

Thanks so much to the 81 million of you that numbly decided to put this gang into power !

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