I’ve been quiet during the past month because of material overload.   So much of what passes for American culture today absolutely disgusts me such  that the word “heck” in my moniker just does not suffice.   However, from the political realm, I have chosen not to sit this one out.  As a registered Libertarian, I would normally vote for the “L” candidate when the two  mainstream candidates fail to reflect my views on most everything.   Unfortunately, this year’s version of the libertarian candidate is too interested in smoking weed to govern.   So, I’m stuck with Tweedeldee and Tweedeldum !


A few weeks ago, my pastor unknowingly pushed me over the edge in one direction, and this week I cast a ballot for Donald Trump for POTUS.   Yes, I held my nose and coughed up a bit of phlegm, but I did it, giving the Donald a one vote lead.   The words that guided me had to do with our character, and how people view us.    He noted that generally we act/think/reflect/ do/are viewed pretty much as a combination of the  five people we hang out with the most.  In my world, that would be my wife, my kids, some close friends, and a few ministry partners.

When I look at Hillary Clinton, she hangs out a lot with mostly repulsive, self-focused people  —  John Podesta, Harry Reid, her randy husband (watch out White House interns), Huma Abedin and Anthony Weiner,  Jayzee,  Al Sharpton,  Barrack Obama, Margaret Sanger (Planned Parenthood), atheists, Bernie Sanders, Saul Alinsky.  Not one of these characters would I desire to dine with, even once.

Now, for all his verbal and narcissistic faux pas, let’s look at who the Donald spends time with.   He seems to have some nice, albeit silver-spooned, accomplished kids.  He stays away from the DC establishment, including many in his own party.   Traveling with him during this entire campaign are Rudy Giulianni and Ben Carson, men of accomplishment, integrity and faith.   And I cannot think of an individual of higher character than Mike Pence that Trump could have picked as his partner and running mate.   His list of  suggested Supreme Court nominees seem like a solid bunch.   And finally, he seems to have a history of hiring capable, deserving women in managerial roles at his companies.

So, in following my pastor’s wise words, the task at hand became easier.    Make America great again, I hope !     WHAT THE HECK !

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