
Over  the weekend,   Deputy  National  Security Adviser Ben Rhodes told the Sunday morning TV  talk shows  in reference to the Syrian refugee crisis, that ” we have very extensive screening procedures for all Syrian  refugees  that would come to the United States.  There’s a very careful vetting process that includes our intelligence community, our National Counterterrorism Center, and the Department of Homeland Security.  So we can make sure we’re carefully screening anybody coming to the United States”

Hmmm !   Let’s see, we can check their driver’s licenses, their work resume, the last three residences, credit card payment records, arrests, bank accounts, community service history,  educational background and grades……………………….  Oops, they don’t keep any of those records in Syria. because it is a totalitarian system with half its population displaced (moved, murdered, martyred, recruited) and its infrastructure full of very large military-induced holes.

So when the Emperor blatantly   lies to us about such things, is it because he doesn’t have all the facts, or because he believes that most of our population is just plain stupid ?  Based on the last Presidential election, it must be door #2.                 WHAT THE HECK !

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