Let me be clear, it saddens me to hear that children are dying in Gaza. They don’t deserve to be used as human shields by the animals who have no problem sacrificing women and children to gain the sympathy of our Proglibocrat-ruled media.
But after watching the endless coverage of the cruelty afforded these children by their bloodthirsty parents on CNN and MSNBC and in our own Tampa Bay Times, wouldn’t it be nice to mention the 2123 reported worldwide Christian deaths solely due to their faith in 2013 (data from non-denominational Open Door), primarily in Syria, Nigeria and Pakistan. Or the tens of thousands of Christians literally uprooted at gunpoint and evacuated from Mosul and surrounding Iraqi cities in recent weeks by the terrorist ISIS wackos. Or could the press maybe mention the estimated 50-75,000 Christians presently interred in concentration camps and prisons in North Korea ?
What possible drugs are being used by our left-leaning press that makes them weepy over Palestinian sacrificial lambs, but fail to give a hoot about obvious hate-filled religious injustice ? WHAT THE HECK !