
At the G7 summit/conference in Germany, our Emperor today boldly jumped into the fray surrounding the Supreme Court’s upcoming decision regarding the validity of Obamacare subsidies, a ruling which will have a dramatic impact on whether the hotly contested law remains the law of the land.   Not only did our Emperor express that the case should never have been heard, but went further to suggest that a ruling against his wishes would represent “a contorted reading of the statute” and “a twisted interpretation”.  Finally, he added that all justices lined up against him would be drawn and quartered on the Capitol steps and     broadcast on MSNBC (no, he didn’t really say that last one).

In just six years, the Emperor has rendered the legislative branch of our government impotent, with law-making now resting in the various federal agencies guided by executive orders, but now he is trying to bully the Supreme Court.        WHAT THE HECK !

Irish statesman, Edmund Burke, said wisely, ” all that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men and women to do nothing.”     Keep sitting back you lazy lemmings !

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