As the never-ending talks between the good guys (us, Germany, Russia, UK, France) and the bad guys drags on day by day, I have come to the conclusion that this administration, and John Kerry in particular, are really, really bad negotiators. The eventual cost of this sorry state of affairs to the world as a whole could be catastrophic. But in trying to maintain good humor, I have two things to say. First, I’m thankful that I do not have to sit at that table listening to diplomats and staffers and mullahs and henchmen drag on and on about the same old topics for weeks at a time. Secondly, I need to position myself to be the first buyer in line when John Kerry sells his residence, wherever that may be. If I keep negotiating long enough, and make increasingly absurd demands, I am likely to get the home for 50 cents on the dollar, with two years of homeowners insurance, six months use of his maid staff, and maybe even a pool boy, thrown in for free.