Yes I’m quite conservative on most issues, but until this morning, I just could not put my finger on why I carried so much animosity toward the current Emperor in the White House.  My thoughts are particularly troublesome given biblical guidance to respect and honor our leaders, who were put in place after all by God (source: THE BIBLE).  I should know better.

Today’s editorial outlining Obama’s intent via executive authority (Emperor stuff) to abrogate Congress’ authority to set aside some Alaskan wilderness acreage for oil and gas exploration brought my dilemma into focus.  Unlike other presidents whose politics I did not agree with,  this Emperor engages in a daily battle with the lives of its citizens, white and black, rich and poor, educated or uneducated.  We are the enemy.  There were probably few issues on which I could concur with Jimmy Carter or Bill Clinton, but there was never a cloud of engagement or hostility toward America and Americans.  You say you want examples !

The Alaska action noted is the next in a series of executive decrees intended to  starve the efficient Trans-Alaska pipeline, which carries fossil fuels south from Alaska and Canada. So next month when he vetoes the Keystone Pipeline over the will of the Congress and the people (remember the 2014 elections), does it ever register that we Americans like  $2 a gallon gasoline ?   Yes,  we will put windmills in our backyards and solar panels on our roofs when it becomes economic, but golly Mr. Emperor, we have long desired to be independent of all the bad apples in the world that sell us oil.  More examples ?   Why as citizens must we protect ourselves from the NSA’s intrusive tentacles.  And why must a new not-for-profit organization that has freedom or Jesus or mom-and-apple-pie in its name be fearful of overzealous IRS scrutiny ? I’m guessing that about 50% of Americans wince when they realize that Obamacrare, and their tax dollars , will pay for abortions.  And must we really suffer from the embarrassment of our French friends laughing at us as James Taylor croons “You’ve Got A Friend” in Paris with John Kerry standing aside ?   Why must locally elected school authorities now fight to protect the curriculum in their schools from the desires of the Department of Education.   And for that matter, we must now battle Washington D.C. over what our children can and cannot eat during lunchtime at school.   Good grief !  Red tape impedes the immigration of needed and legal immigrants, while we are told that we are insensitive, even racist regarding a desire to protect our borders from illegal entrants.  Alright, I’m tired of ranting, but these are battles we currently wage every day with the Emperor and his minions.  Oh how I yearn for the days of Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton.   We disagreed, but we never had to fight with them.                              WHAT THE HECK !

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