One of the holes in my training for adulthood was a clear understanding of the condition called nausea, defined by Wikopedia as ” a sensation of unease and discomfort in the upper stomach accompanied by an involuntary urge to vomit” .  With  apologies to my legions of female readers, I always assumed it was a female condition utilized to fend off the advances of amorous young men.  Now that I’ve watched the John Kerry apology tour with guest star James Taylor singing “You’ve Got A Friend”,  I get it.     After the second viewing, I had that sense of unease and discomfort, and actually regurgitated a small portion of my dinner.

Young people my son’s age (22) tend to have less allegiance and love for our nation and its purpose in the world.  I have to admit that I feel their pain, particularly after the pathetic performance of the Emperor’s administration in the wake of the in-your-face attacks in Paris, followed by a most sappy, drively, apologetic performance by our Secretary of State today.  Remember folks, he could have been our President.               WHAT THE HECK !


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