Finally, the state of Minnesota has made it happen by taking the first step toward the elimination of girls’ athletics in high schools. The Minnesota high school athletic board (MSHSL) last week overwhelmingly approved a policy allowing transgender students to pick and choose the gender of the sport in which they choose to participate. Forgetting the locker room logistics for a moment, where’s the fairness for young women competing in a sport which now welcomes athletically superior males (come on, admit it) and squeezes out lifelong committed female athletes for the benefit of a few dudes who need psychiatric attention, and not a season of girls’ softball ?
Must everyone get a trophy ? Must every tiny slice of society be pandered to, forgetting that it might infringe upon the rights of the majority ? And how do we ever find qualified school administrators when they have to deal with silly issues such as transgender athletic rights ? No wonder our public schools are lackluster. And finally, I certainly hope that my headline never comes true, that as a culture we come to our senses. Having ushered a son through teen years, I am so thrilled that athletics for women has become widely accepted and encouraged. The young women who my son associated with were so more well rounded and level-headed than during my generation, in no small part due to the lessons they learned from participation in sports. Go girls ! WHAT THE HECK !