I have a great dentist, and a great cardiologist, and a great general practitioner.    But my dog’s veterinarian beats them all.   I’ve been suffering from some back problems which have required an X-ray and an MRI, while my pooch is struggling with some hip problems.   I have had to beg my GP’s office for test results, and guidance for the next steps in treatment.  This normally comes in the form of delayed voice messages from my doc’s nursing assistant.   Follow-up from our doggy appointments comes in the form of 1-2 telephone calls directly from the veterinarian within a day or two of the appointment.   The vet actually ends her day with 30 minutes of patient follow-up calls.    I sure hope that veterinary care in our country never  stoops to the level of that afforded to the human beings.                                     WHAT THE HECK !


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