
I cannot tell whether Emperor Barrack does more damage when he’s in Washington, or on his infrequent overseas jaunts to pursue recognition of some sort. In this case, the effort was to achieve some sort of agreement to pursue global reductions in carbon emissions.  After last week’s stop in China, I’m opting for door #2.     What a great deal achieved, for the Chinese.   I’m not that technology savvy, but the way I read the proposed treaty is that China has to do nothing until 2030, when “natural forces will begin to reduce China’s emissions”, while we agree to reduce our emissions  26-28%  by 2025, primarily on the back of our preference for big cars, and by effectively burying our coal industry and all the jobs that are dependent on it in five states.   The last little nugget missing from the Emperor’s press release is that there are no restrictions on our export of coal to heavy coal-using nations, you guessed it like China.   What am I missing here ?    Deal the cards !                               WHAT THE HECK !

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