I live in Tampa, home of MacDill Air Force Base and the U.S Central Command, the unit running the campaign against ISIS in Syria and Iraq. Our military presence is proudly lauded every Friday along our main waterfront thoroughfare by volunteer individuals waving flags and showing visible support for our servicemen and women.
So imagine how stunned we all are that the bigwigs at MacDill have advised all personnel to downplay their military affiliation in the community by not displaying apparel, bumper stickers ,hats, car stickers, etc. referencing the armed forces, and generally lowering their public military profile. This applies particularly when in public with their families. We can thank and attribute this overreaction to an aggressive recent social media campaign from Muslim terrorists seeking personnel personal information, and seeking visible targets.
What a world we live in. I’ll take a wild guess that the military personnel in this town (and the locals), proud of their country and of their service, will go out of their way to publicly display pride in our military. Where can I buy a USAF shirt ? WHAT THE HECK !