Just when things couldn’t get any worse, when hope is all but lost, along come the Scots to rally the troops and restore confidence to the world order and the future of the planet. Having seen yesterday’s dramatic 55% to 45% repudiation of independence from the United Kingdom by a huge turnout of Scottish voters, I take back anything bad I may have ever said or thought about the Scots. And with the voting age gerryrigged to capture impressionable voters down to the age of 16, I recant any and all rantings I may have ever made about teenagers.
Nationalism by a subgroup within a larger group can be a very productive belief or feeling (Welsh within UK, Texans within USA, Flanders within Belgium). But when flamed by the easy allure of socialism, as prodded by First Minister Alex Salmond in Scotland, nationalism can produce a really dreadful outcome. Kudos today to the Scots for rejecting the easy money, the easy promises of politicians offering goodies and free stuff to be paid for by someone else. Think I’m headed out to buy a tartan skirt. WHAT THE HECK !