$15 PER HOUR ?

I watched with interest this past week the nationwide demonstrations, orchestrated by the SEIU, in support of a $15 per hour “living wage” for fast food employees.  Attempting to be my normal flexible self, I grappled to find a rational argument in favor of, or against the idea.  Kept coming up with the phrase, “is there an argument for…….”, as a launching point for my eventual conclusion.


Is there room to argue whether the uniqueness and marketability of a professional baseball player warrants $10 million per year, as opposed to a more pedestrian salary in line with a doctor or a lawyer ?  Yes, I could argue both sides there.  And could I rationally argue that teachers deserve heftier compensation given their importance in our kids’ development, and then argue the next minute that they are wildly overpaid, since they only work nine months per year, benefit from all the little rugrats’ holidays and vacations, and after all, how hard is it to teach math to a gang of nine year olds ?     Yes, again both sides have merit.  Lastly, could I postulate that a big corporate chieftain deserves no more than 10-15 times the salary of the company’s lowest paid worker, and then concoct a perfectly rational, economically-based argument supporting multi-million dollar pay packages ?  Yep, I could.   In all these cases, and many more, there is merit for discussion from both sides of the table.

Now, let’s go to the case of the fast food worker making minimum wage, which for 50 hours per week at $8.25 per hour translates to about a $21,000 salary.  Can any of my readers put together a rational case for bumping that income to $39,000  ($15/$8.25 X $21,000) ?   I’ll print it if you put it forth.  What are these demonstrators thinking ?  They are just getting their arms twisted with wild promises by  the SEIU, which by the way I think expanded translates to “Sucking Union Dues From Everyone In a Uniform”.                               WHAT THE HECK !

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