Professor Sunil Dutta of Colorado State University, and a 17 year veteran of the LAPD, last week suggested a unique and simple solution to the recurrent issue of police violence directed toward minority youth in our major cities.  His solution is for everyone to just comply with the authority of the authorities.  No, I’m not totally naïve, but a few “yes sirs” and a respectful compliance to police authority would help avoid the kind of situations percolating regularly in areas like Ferguson, Missouri.

Police have the right to ask questions, to detain for good cause, to challenge our activities.  Cops are not murderers; they don’t go out of their way to inject violence into everyday personal interaction. When they use force, it usually is in protection of their safety, or the public’s safety.

Dutta wrote: “here is the bottom line, if you don’t want to get shot, tased, pepper sprayed, struck with a baton or thrown to the ground, then just do what I tell you.  Don’t argue with me, don’t call me names, don’t call me a racist pig,  don’t threaten to sue me and take away my badge.  Don’t scream at me, and don’t even think of walking aggressively towards me.”

We’re all aware that there are corrupt cops, and cops that are bullies, that some act unprofessionally and arrogantly. “But why not save your outrage and challenge it appropriately”, according to Dutta.   After the fact, file a complaint or contact a civil rights organization or hire a blood sucking, bottom-feeding tort lawyer.  Just don’t challenge a cop during a stop.  Common sense, no matter what the situation, nor what the particular racial mix is.  WHAT THE HECK !

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