Was enjoying Bill O’Reilly last night rail on about California’s Governor Jerry Brown (aka Moonbeam) clear subversion of federal immigration laws in his state, and his blatant and open arms policy to anyone sneaking over our Southern border. This, despite an estimated $25 billion annual cost to the few remaining tax-paying, legal citizens of the state. When did our politicians, specifically the Proglibocrats, forget that they were representing America and instead pursue some European-style form of getting along ?
For them, the issue is all about votes, period. How can Proglibocrats in DC hold up comprehensive immigration reform by refusing first to close our Southern border to future “guests” ? The only folks crossing that border are illegal citizens, terrorists, and drug smugglers. Yes, they will all vote for Democrats, but at what cost ? Paraphrasing Bill O’Reilly, close the darn border, then deal fairly with the individuals here . It’s not rocket science, but for the Proglibocrats who have lost the American way, it’s pure political science. WHAT THE HECK !