Category Archives: Uncategorized


Cambodian_-_The_Hindu_God_Brahma_-_Walters_542734                                                           On Sunday, January 3, Rep. Emanuel Cleaver (D) of Missouri, after praying for peace in our families, in the congressional chamber, and across our land, ended his prayer as follows:  “We ask it in the name of the monotheistic God, Brahma, and gods known by many names by many different faiths.  Amen and a-woman”.        Let’s leave that last sentence for another day, and recognize to what (not whom) a hand-selected representative of our highest legislative body was praying to in the name of the U.S. Congress.    Rep. Cleaver is certainly welcome to worship whatever brass statue he pleases, but not as my representative in my Congress.   Psalm 135:15-17   “The idols of the nations are silver and gold, made by human hands.  They have mouths but cannot speak,eyes, but cannot see.  They have ears but cannot hear,  nor is there breath in their mouths.”      Exodus 20:3   “Thou shalt have no other gods before me.”       How neatly has one side of the political aisle booted God out of our institutions ?       What will be the consequences ?        WHAT THE HECK !

Thanks so much to the 81 million of you that numbly decided to put this gang in power !



Alternatively titled, “The End of Girls’ Sports”, this is a particularly galling topic, as it runs counter to the great strides made in my lifetime in this country regarding gender equality.    Clearly, we want our daughters to be presented with a world of equal opportunity, but as with so many aspects of the liberal agenda, the left seduces and misleads us toward the real target, which is equal outcome.   And with the new administration’s executive order boldly entitled, “Executive Order on Preventing and Combating Discrimination on the Basis of Gender Identity or Sexual Orientation”,  expands the equality moniker to override any recognition of the inherent speed and strength differences between genders.

Cretin-Derham Hall's Paige Peltier poses for a portrait at her home field in St. Paul on Thursday, Oct. 24, 2019. Peliter was named as the Pioneer Press East Metro girls soccer Player of the Year. (Jack Rodgers / Pioneer Press)

This is a very ambitious presidential fiat, and as with all government actions, carries some unintended consequences.  In this case, the order effectively ends girls’ sport in itscurrent form, thus negating all the leadership, character, self-esteem,  and health benefits society has gained from a full and equally regarded set of protected girls’ sports.   This executive order requires that every public school in America allow boys who identify as girls to compete in  girls’ sporting categories.   Thus, all the multi-year energy and work and sacrifice made by young women in pursuing soccer or track or softball can be negated by some dude who chooses to be called Sally (sorry for such bluntness, but this topic deserves plain talk). Abigail Shrier, in a recent Wall Street Journal editorial, said “Here we are.  Decades of women’ s achievment and opportunity rolled back by executive fiat. Women’s rights turn out to be cheap and up for grabs”.    WHAT THE HECK !

Thanks so much to the 81 million of you that numbly decided to put this gang into power !


Well, it took only four hours after the new President’s swearing-in ceremony for the proposed Secty of Transportation, Pete Buttigieg,  to  “step in it” at his Senate confirmation hearing.   This is of course the group purporting (“pretending” for those of you from Birdsboro) to be the stallwart guardians of the poor and those with lower incomes.   Well, a hike in the federal gasoline tax, to fund transportation projects for good union workers, is the very definition of a regressive tax, one that disproportionately impacts negatively those with lower disposable income.   WHAT THE HECK !

For the first of probably many times, thanks so much to the 81 million of you that numbly decided to put this gang into power !


1200px-Tampa_Bay_Rays.svg     Despite my sorry existence as a long-suffering fan of the Pittsburgh Pirates, it must be noted that, last night, the Tampa Bay Rays clinched the American League East title with the best record in the league.   Yes, they performed even better that the hated Red Sox and the stinkin’ Yankees.   Two things are of note.   First, the Rays accomplished this feat with a payroll 1/3 or even 1/4 that of the large market teams, with players that no one other than the most freakish sports fan would recognize.

Secondly, and this is the central part of my message today, is that the Rays discovered the ultimate secret to long-term success against these giant teams in giant markets, all thanks to the COVID virus which has emptied baseball stadiums this Summer.    Whereas the Rays’ management has historically whined about having too few in attendance, in the neighborhood of 10,000 bodies average per game, worst in baseball, they have now discovered that they have had too many fans in the stands.    Somehow, the Rays play better in empty stadiums.    I propose that from this year forward, the Rays cease ticket sales to all home games, thus ensuring a superior quality of play.                               WHY NOT, WHAT THE HECK !


With little else to do today, now seven months into the pandemic, I spent a little time perusing the energy policy generated by the “alternative America party (AAP)”.    Unless my reading glasses are totally fogged up, the AAP, and its leader Joe Biden, see a world in 15-20 years totally devoid of fossil fuels ( and jobs), to be replaced by a 100% clean energy economy and net-zero emissions in 30 years, managed by D.C. bureaucrats and manned by newly-trained masses performing “green jobs”.    Cool, huh ?     Does that mean they have to wear green overalls, or does it refer to the short time that the green money they earn remains in their clutches before massive new taxation ?

Among other small hurdles, this dream relies totally on “fantasies about the development of new technologies that don’t currently exist and in all liklihood will never exist (Manhattan Contrarian 9/9/20)”.  So, the AAP cannot tell us what the magic new technologies are,  what they will cost, and how they will make our everyday lives better.   Some evening, among the fairy tales you might choose to end your day, read the AAP’s Plan for a Clean Energy Revolution and Climate Justice.  Pure fairy dust !              WHAT THE HECK !


I cannot put into words how sickeningly tired I am of all the proceedings in the Capitol over the past few months.   I so crave some “real news” that I’ve even stooped to brief stints listening to the BBC and NPR.    There are actually real events involving real people in real time taking place here in America and around the world.      If we just tune in to Fox News and CNN and MSNBC,  and read our local papers plus the rags published in DC and NYC (for my readers in Birdsboro, that’s the Washington Post and the NY Times), we would be unaware that there are serious freedom challenges on-going in Hong Kong and in Iran’s major cities.    And how can the antics of Nadler/Schiff/Pelosi take precedence over the recent terrorist attack (that’s the unvarnished description) in Pensacola by Saudi crazies that we are training.      What the Heck !


I’m a very infrequent Facebook visitor/user.   Pathetically, I believe that I only have 11 or 12 friends !  Childrens’  progress, sports highlights,  photos of friends’ vacations are about my only interest in this social medium.   Occasionally, however one of my very few Proglibocrat friends slips and posts some mindless blather about their politics.  And rather than just letting it slide, I choose to “push back hard”, in the hopes that this friend learns his/her lesson and doesn’t pollute Facebook with their uneducated ramblings.   So to my surprise, I came upon the following boldened text just yesterday, which read: “Hmmm, Papa John out !  And… Papa Don, So yuck”. Pretty tricky how they thought readers wouldn’t pick up on that cheeky altering of the first letters – must have taken them quite a while to come up with that misdirection !

It amazes me that a whole segment of our population, mindless MSNBC watching Proglibocrats, can muster four whole years of hatred in a consistent monotone fashion.   It scares me that I once knew these people as being fairly educated.  What really alarms me though is that this same group cares way more about Trump “losing” than they do about our nation succeeding.    WHAT THE HECK !




Just finished watching the end of a splendid World Cup campaign.  France ended the five week event with a resounding 4-2 victory over upstart Croatia, a country with only 4 million folks.   Viewing the post-final ceremonies, I cannot help but wonder just how bad guy Vladimir Putin gets to bask in the limelight amid his blubbering, pandering, almost worshipping admirers, while our President, good guy Donald Trump,  endures demonstrations and yelling and nastiness everywhere he goes in Europe.  WHAT THE HECK !


In Decembr, during baseball’s off-season, Texas Rangers pitcher Martin Perez as attacked by a big bull and severely injured his right elbow.  After the incident, Perez noted that he had  the animal slaughtered soon thereafter back in Venezuela, both for the meat and for revenge.    “I killed him and I ate him”.   Later, Perez added, “It was good meat, no more bull”.            WHAT THE HECK !



Who in the world really desires driverless cars ?  Have you ever met such a person ?   So why in the world do the National Transportation Board and National Highway Safety Administration authorize testing of driverless vehicles on public streets. This comes following yesterday’s announcement that a self-driving fully autonomous Uber SUV struck and killed a woman (Elaine Herzberg)walking a bicycle outside a crosswalk in Tempe, Arizona.

When are our government leaders going to begin protecting the citizenry with some common sense.  It’s bad enough that we fail to take adequate care of folks with mental disabilities, provide tough background checks on gun owners, and allow automatic or semi-automatic guns with 30+ bullet magazines, but driverless cars meandering through our streets among workaday pedestrians and children.  Really ?  WHAT THE HECK !

As far as Uber goes, shut them down for a while.  And incarcerate a few of the executives and engineers who cost Elaine Herzberg her life.   And really, let’s throw Volvo into the mix of blame, one because I don’t like Volvos, and two because they allowed their vehicles to be utilized in such a dangerous and unsupervised manner.