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As part of a sermon I heard today, the pastor quoted famed motivational speaker, Jim Rohn  (1930-2009), in reference to the status of one’s character, “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.”        Very simple, and very well said.  WHAT THE HECK !


Well, I’ve avoided this topic for several months because I just cannot reach a solid conclusion regarding this man.  On one hand, he seems to be a sorry excuse for a man, berating anyone publicly and crudely that chooses to challenge him, making fun of certain competitors’ religious beliefs, and failing to do much homework on the key issues of the day (he wings it)as he seeks our votes as leader of the free world.    But when I swallow my misgivings, I realize that someone needs to shake things up in a big way.  Our nation is at a tipping point beyond which we will never be able to rescue the USA from those with their hands out.   And our world is in dire need of moral and principled leadership, which of course is totally and intentionally  lacking under current  Proglibocrat leadership.


So, I’m going to keep watching and listening for a few more months. Even my worst Republican /Conservative nightmare portends better for our nation than the anointed female competitor.   To get my vote in 2016, in no particular order, I’m evaluating four themes. First, will the candidate conclusively close the southern border, then engage in a thoughtful and humane discussion regarding the status of those who have already arrived illegally (under both political parties’ leadership I might add).  Next, I need to hear a tangible plan to reach a balanced federal budget in a few short years, to lay the framework to begin to reduce our absurd national debt.  How can we lead the world when we are broke ?   Thirdly, I want to hear the Constitution revered, and not referred to as an outdated document meant to be shredded by the whims of executive order. Finally, I want to see a man of faith who acknowledges the link between the founders’ Judeo-Christian principles and our status as a favored nation from above.    Tune in for part two in a few months !            WHAT THE HECK !



No, I’m not speaking of LeBron James or Kobe Bryant or Larry Bird or Dr. J or Wilt or Magic or MJ.  Last week, the greatest basketball player to ever play the game died at age 83.  Adoringly referred to as the clown prince of the hardwoods, Meadowlark Lemon entertained crowds around the world for 24 years as a member of the Harlem Globetrotters.  No one, and I mean no one, could match his pure basketball skills.   No one entertained people, white and black, more than Meadowlark Lemon.  And finally, in 24 years of a grueling, year-round schedule, he never lost a game of basketball.   Add the best smile a human being  could be blessed with, and Meadowlark Lemon was clearly the best basketball player in history.                                WHAT THE HECK !


I’ve had it.   I’m so tired of a vocal minority of malcontents and atheists and do-gooders infringing on my right to practice  and exercise  my faith.  This past week’s removal  of Merry Christmas banners and  manger scenes from  VA hospitals near San Antonio , Texas and Salem, Virginia have just put me over the edge.  I can only practice what is taught in Matthew 5:39 so many times (turn the other cheek) until my cheeks just rage with redness.


The first amendment to our Constitution prohibits the federal government from making a law “respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof”.  The intent of the founders clearly was to prevent the establishment of a national religion such as was  the case in 18th century England, and to allow the free practice of religion in America unimpeded by government fiat.  It did not intend to protect folks’ feelings from the expression of faith by citizens, nor to encourage a cultural beatdown of a particular faith that a vocal minority deems misguided (Christianity). It is only a matter of time before some homeowners’ group or out-of-state atheist hovel complains about the manger scene in my front yard.  I’ll proudly spend a few nights in jail over that !  Supposedly 74% of Americans identify with some Christian or Jewish faith or denomination.   It is about time that a higher percentage of them start to behave like it, and fight back.   Sorry for the cheery holiday message.   MERRY CHRISTMAS AND  WHAT THE HECK !



According to the Emperor-in-residence at the White House, the climate change agreement pored over for two weeks and passed by a diverse swath of world leaders signifies, “a turning point for the world”.   His lieutenant in lunacy, John Kerry , renowned for his silver-tongued negotiating prowess (see Iran, nuclear bomb, kaboom)  suggested that  “it’s going to create millions of jobs”.  Really ?        Some posts require no elaboration or editorializing on my part.                            WHAT THE HECK !


safe campus                                 ………..many of today’s college students evidently.  On campuses from Missouri to California to New Haven, Connecticut (Yale), students are loudly calling for “safe zones” and speech codes where words and ideas deemed offensive to anyone are barred.  We don’t want little Sally or Timmy to be offended now, do we ?   I wonder if their eventual employers will be as willing to provide such safe zones.  A husband/wife professorial team from Yale recently resigned from teaching at the school, saying , “We have great respect and affection for our students, but we worry that the current climate at Yale is not, in our view, conducive to the civil dialogue and open inquiry required to solve our urgent societal problems. ”  No kidding !


I yearn for the good old days of student-led demonstrations against an unpopular and terribly costly (in lives) war in Southeast Asia.  Sifting through the clouds of marijuana smoke, at least onlookers knew that the students had every right to express their opinions.  So, let’s summarize – a particularly vocal group of college students today is actually arguing against free speech so that their feelings  are not hurt.   Gee, I wish I was a twentysomething competing against this gang today  for jobs !                            WHAT THE HECK !


I think I need to regurgitate my dinner.  Just read the Emperor’s comments on leadership, comparing himself to my Packer QB, Aaron Rodgers.  Referring to Rodgers, the Emperor told GQ magazine, “In the sense of you can’t be distracted by what’s around you, you’ve got to be looking downfield.   And I think that’s a quality that I have – not getting flustered by what’s around me. ”   I’m hurt and offended.  Maybe I should go out and demonstrate .               WHAT THE HECK !



Over  the weekend,   Deputy  National  Security Adviser Ben Rhodes told the Sunday morning TV  talk shows  in reference to the Syrian refugee crisis, that ” we have very extensive screening procedures for all Syrian  refugees  that would come to the United States.  There’s a very careful vetting process that includes our intelligence community, our National Counterterrorism Center, and the Department of Homeland Security.  So we can make sure we’re carefully screening anybody coming to the United States”

Hmmm !   Let’s see, we can check their driver’s licenses, their work resume, the last three residences, credit card payment records, arrests, bank accounts, community service history,  educational background and grades……………………….  Oops, they don’t keep any of those records in Syria. because it is a totalitarian system with half its population displaced (moved, murdered, martyred, recruited) and its infrastructure full of very large military-induced holes.

So when the Emperor blatantly   lies to us about such things, is it because he doesn’t have all the facts, or because he believes that most of our population is just plain stupid ?  Based on the last Presidential election, it must be door #2.                 WHAT THE HECK !


I just returned from the annual Florida Bug Jam, one of the larger VW shows in the country, with another first place trophy in my competitive hands.  I am awed at the quality of workmanship that went into the manufacture of my Bug 36 years ago.   Wish I could personally thank Heinrich and Hans and Dieter and all the boys that built these cars with pride.


And then there is corporate Germany run amok.  I’m also the proud owner of one of the VW diesel models that Volkswagenwerk AG cheated on,  installing devices to pep up their cars while polluting the air way beyond mandated standards around the world.   The company wants us to believe that a small group of rogue engineers slipped this hardware and software into the vehicles without the knowledge and blessing of the brass.   Knockwurst (baloney in English) to that.     If only we could locate those three “retired” engineers living in the lap of luxury somewhere in Bavaria, they would certainly fill us in.

So, I’m angry, and I’m suing .   I found the nastiest, blood-sucking tort lawyers I could find (in Alabama), and signed on.  I want blood.  Actually, I really love my diesel.  I’ve owned three of them.  But VW has destroyed one of the few product/brand loyalties that remain for me.  Ask my wife, I’m a VW guy !   I’ve had VWs non-stop since I was 15 years old.   May Wolfsburg’s sewer system back up completely .   The catalyst for this posting today was my receipt from VW of America of a $500 gift card plus a $500 credit for future repairs at my local VW dealer.   That doesn’t cut it !   The “schadenfreude” in my DNA makes me chuckle as I see the empty showrooms and parking lots of the local dealers.   I know the dealers weren’t in on the company’s dirty little secret, but my heart is broken and someone needs to pay !                        WHAT THE HECK !



As a youth, I was blessed with many wonderful aunts, uncles and cousins, all of whom lived in close proximity such that they were a regular and important part of life.  One of these relatives was Aunt Tillie,  who delivered a steady diet of nearly unreadable Bible verses inside of gift boxes and assorted greeting cards.  I felt it my duty to de-scramble her terrible handwriting to unleash the intended biblical message, lest I be struck by a bolt of lightning for not paying attention.  I sort of understood where she was coming from most of the time, and  dearly wish I could review all those subliminal messages now that I’m much older and a bit more wise.

Yesterday, in response to one of my kid’s life issues delivered to me via text message, I instinctively responded with a Bible verse (Proverbs 19:11) that I found due to the wonder of “Google”.  The verse seemed a perfect concise remedy for someone hindered by anger.  It didn’t strike me until today that I may be turning slowly into Aunt Tillie.  Not a bad thing, I guess.           WHAT THE HECK !