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Today, the House of Representatives Intelligence Committee commenced public hearings on the existence and dangers of UFOs. Now that the problems of food inflation, border security, energy costs, gender identity, baby formula availability, expansion of NATO, Russian aggression in Eastern Europe, and transgenderism in womens’ sports have been solved by Nancy Pelosi’s lot in DC, finally we can turn to issues of real significance to the American public.
Proglibocrat Congressman Andre Carson of Indiana noted, ” unidentified aerial phenomena (the cool words for UFOs) are a potential national security threat, and they need to be treated that way”. On the scale of severity, I wonder where UFOs rank alongside other risks of Armageddon like systemic racism, climate change, and the Russia/China axis. Maybe the ranking proglibocrat on the committee, Adam Schiff of California, fresh off his energetic efforts to impeach the former President, could provide such a ranking !
It took nearly three wasted hours of testimony for Deputy Director of Naval Intelligence Scott Bray to admit that many UFO reports have a “limited amount of high quality data and reporting which hampers the ability to draw firm conclusions about the nature and intent of UAPs”. It would have taken the casual observer with half a brain much less time to see the irony in an “intelligence” committee twittering away taxpayer time and money on UFOs. WHAT THE HECK !
I’m “all-in” for change in this world, particularly if that change carries benefit for me, my family, my friends, or the world. But when change is so disruptive as to yield a deep nauseous pit in my stomach, I draw the line. And that line was drawn this week when we finally worked up the courage to enter a movie theatre, maskless, to view the latest James Bond thriller, A Time to Kill.
But after 2 1/2 hours of sheer viewing delight, much to my chagrin, and disgust, the producers of this entertainment staple since 1962 (Dr. No), decided to kill off 007, the James Bond of my youth. And no, there is no chance of a miraculous survival scenario. They blew 007 up quite plainly on screen into a million pieces. Why ? DOUBLE WHAT THE HECK !
The infamous birth of the “Let’s go Brandon” phrase, Talladega Motor Speedway on October 2, needs to give way to a silent and quick death. As code words for insulting the President, specifically “F….. you Biden”, Americans seeking conservative credentials should cease this insulting, yes barbaric, behavior. I cannot find one acceptable action or policy under this Biden reign, but have we sunk so low as to ridicule our President in such a venomous way. This type of open, disgusting verbiage began as an every day event promulgated by the liberal media against the former President. But if I join in the “Let’s go Brandon” chant at a sporting event or some other large gathering or on social media, aren’t I just as guilty as the heathens that mercilessly harassed Donald Trump with detestable words ? We do not owe agreement or praise to our Presidents, but their office does deserve our respect, always ! WHAT THE HECK !
Well, in Germany, the Germans think so. In the USA today, I’d have to say “not so much”. My son’s recent visit to the Auschwitz concentration camp in Poland reminded me of our visit to the Dachau camp, about ten miles from Munich, back in 2006. Set in the small town of the same name, the Dachau camp is well preserved, well documented, and open to the public with frankness and honesty. Buildings were preserved; guides were informative; the photographic record was displayed openly. A visit to any of these camps is certainly a somber day’s walk, reminding us of the horrific events that took place on these grounds.
One might say that these monuments to the past should be torn down and forgotten, but the German people prefer to “own” their past, and to teach their past, warts and all, to the children of Germany. The nation’s credo seems to be what philosopher George Santayana posted above one of the Jewish huts at Auschwitz which reads, “those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it”.
Last week, a statue of the 19th century Lewis & Clark expedition was removed in Charlottesville because some thought it portrayed the Indian guide, Sacajawea, in a negative or subservient position. Sacajawea, of course, was the Indian guide who was instrumental in guiding that famous expedition which opened up the West. Each time a statue comes down at the behest of some group of offended proglibocrats, I think back to Karl Marx’s contention that to build a new future, we need to destroy all traces of the past.
Would it not be better to use the difficult times of our nation’s history as educational tools, such that the horrors of slavery and wars are not repeated. Should not the education of new generations focus on historical honesty, the good and the bad, and not a concocted revisionist portrayal. Would race relations, for instance, not be helped more by teaching the context of slavery worldwide in the founding years of America, and the sacrifices made by so many to erase that terrible chapter, than by beating up our kids with critical race theory ?
I think that the Germans have wisely acknowledged their checkered historical past, and I’m a firm believer that their children are the better for that attitude. Heaven help our kids with the current trend in education which teaches that we are a terrible nation with a terrible past, and that even today the separation of the races dominates everyday life ? WHAT THE HECK !
In two weeks, God willing, our first grandchild will be born. The excitement and anticipation is absolutely indescribable. Gender is known. The child’s name has been declared. The nursery is set and ready. The only unknown is who will be nominated to tell this bundle of joy that he/she will inherit a cool $100,000 of national debt at his/her first breath. It may as well be me, since I’m as guilty as anyone for sending a generation of vote buyers (of both political parties) to Congress. When is the last time you ever heard a national political figure speak about the ballooning national debt, or of attempting to balance the federal budget. It’s easy to spend someone else’s money, and I helped to let them do it. WHAT THE HECK !
Yesterday, Harvard University appointed Greg Epstein, an avowed atheist, as the new President of campus Chaplains. The chaplains suggest that a man with no clear affinity for any religion is the perfect candidate to lead the various activities of religious groups on the oldest campus in the United States.How odd of Harvard, given the university’s Latin motto, Veritas, which translated means truth. When asked by the Roman governor, Pontius Pilate, why he had come to the earth, Jesus replied (John 18:37), “For this I was born and for this I have come into the world, to bear witness to the truth”. Shame on you Harvard !
This series has gotten me into such a mode of negativity that I must cease. It is not the content that is driving me wacko, but the sheer volume of silliness that I could write about. The low hanging fruit is simply overwhelming. For all those Proglibocrats who displayed Biden/Harris signs in their yards in the Fall of 2020, how’s that working out for you ? Below is a summary of the idiocy that you have ushered in with your cool, trendy, psudo-compassionate ballot choice. Did you ever imagine that……..
…..our southern border would be unquestionably overrun with folks from who knows where, carrying who knows what disease, carrying unknown weapons/drugs/sex slaves. Easy for you to forget about 200,000 of these folks arriving each month until they are bussed to your neighborhoods. Thanks a lot ! ….. we would abandon our friends and supporters and translators and military men in Afghanistan in such a shameful way as we are seeing today seeing on our televisions. For those of you as old as me, doesn’t it remind you of Saigon in the early-1970s. Just imagine what our allies think of America. Just imagine what the families of our soldiers who were killed or wounded in Afghanistan are thinking today. Thanks a lot ! …..our public schools would ever even consider teaching our children theories that apologize for the color of one’s skin, and for the history of our great nation, and for the gender(2) that they were born. Thanks a lot ! …..a Proglibocrat Congress would push for federal control of voting practices (SR 1) that would perpetuate voter fraud and permanent control by one party. Yes, we can at the very least show some form of ID and signature to vote Thanks a lot ! …..a Proglibocrat Congress would push for federal payment for abortion, a hideous activity unsupported on religious grounds by half of the population. Thanks a lot ! …..Proglibocrat -run cities all across America would seek to “de- fund” police forces, thus exposing its citizenry to measurably increased rates of violent crime. Would it not just be easier, and safer, to come down hard on those handful of police exhibiting poor behavior, and on their unions that protect the bad eggs ? Thanks a lot ! …….we would be encouraged to care more about the rights of transgender people, and where they use the bathroom than getting our children back on a positive educational track, in school and without masks. Thanks a lot ! …….care more about getting back in the good graces of the Iranian mullahs than bolstering our relationship with the only democracy in the Middle East that actually supports the rights of women. Thanks a lot ! …… gasoline prices at the pump would rise $1.00-$1.50 per gallon in most parts of the country because of a steady diet of governmental pressure on the energy industries Frankly, it doesn’t bother my life or my budget a bit, but it certainly impacts the family making the national average income. Talk about a regressive tax (one that affects the poor disproportionately for those of you in Birdsboro), and I thought Proglibocrats were the party of the downtrodden and the “working man” ??? Thanks a lot !
I’ve been told by friends that I’m too focused on political and social events of the day. Maybe so, but the indifference many have to what is happening around us is far more insidious. If we don’t get involved, don’t speak up, don’t educate ourselves before we vote (“I hate Trump” is not enough), than we deserve what we get. Our nation’s special role in world history is not guaranteed forever. Apathy and ignorance will take us down an irreversible path if we don’t wake up ! WHAT THE HECK !
And for the last time, thanks so much to the 81 million of you who put this crowd into power in November !
I was hesitant to watch the just-concluded Olympic games from Tokyo following my July 27 posting (I’M VERY CONFUSED). Two weeks of disrespect for our country and its flag, along with regular doses of pride regarding dudes competing in womens’ events under the banner of transgender rights, was just going to be too much to absorb. But I was so pleasantly surprised, and encouraged, by the outpouring of patriotism from our athletes across the spectrum of sport, gender, race, etc. Each night, I saw American athletes exhibit pride in their country by their actions and by their words. Could it be that hard work and commitment to a goal still means something in our great nation . How wonderful to quiet all the anti-American naysayers in our government and in our press. Now, of course the U.S womens’ national soccer team remains in my personal doghouse as they continue to take a knee before events, while displaying the American flag on their uniforms, but yeah, we thankfully have free speech in our country. I’m just thrilled though, that the free speech during the Tokyo Olympics was overwhelmingly prideful toward America, by Americans ! WHAT THE HECK !
Well, it didn’t take long for some college football coach to take advantage of the new NCAA rules on student/athlete endorsements. And is it a big surprise that it would be Nick Saban, the winningest coach in college football history, and the highest paid public servant in the state of Alabama. At the Texas High School Football Coaches annual convention last week, Saban noted that incoming Alabama superrecruit QB Bryce Young has already “looked at ungodly sums of (endorsement) money” prior to taking a step onto the Tuscaloosa campus as a freshman. Young’s estimated $1.1 million in up-front endorsements is the result of last month’s lifting of rules restricting payments on name, image and likeness (NIL) rights to college athletes.
Saban’s incredulity regarding his high school gem’s immediate success in this new world reeks of hypocrisy. These new rules clearly give a recruiting advantage to big time programs like Alabama that can promise lots of TV and press exposure, which of course can translate to endorsement dollars. That message was not lost on those Texas high school football coaches. Roll Tide !
These new rules will just make the strong even stronger, and rob smaller programs of high school talent. Leave it to Nick Saban to lead the money charge. WHAT THE HECK !